Are Infographics Still Hot? Three Trends to Know

11 February, 2020

A couple of years ago, everyone was buzzing about infographics. The conversation has moved on – now people are more likely to talk about things like videos and personalized content – but infographics are far from dead. People love visuals, and infographics are a great way to quickly and memorably convey information.

So, if you love infographics, don’t worry. You don’t have to give up on these handy educational tools – but you may need to update your infographic strategies. Here are three infographic trends to know.

Trend Number One: Combine Infographics with Other Forms of Content

When you want to convey a slew of statistics or a bunch of punchy tips, infographics are fantastic. However, they’re just one tool in your digital marketing toolbox. Don’t forget to use your other tools, too!

Sometimes, infographics might not be appropriate. For example, let’s say you want to do a deep dive into complex ideas. The infographic can be used to highlight the main points, while a blog post, white paper or video can dig into the details.

For example, you might start a blog post with an eye-catching infographic, expand upon the points in a longer article, and then embed a video or link to a white paper for even more information.

Trend Number Two: Go Social with Your Infographic

Once you’ve made a great infographic, you’ll want everyone to see it. To get the most views, consider posting it directly onto social media.

To this properly, you might need to have different versions of your infographic tailored to the different image preferences of various social media sites. For example, Instagram prefers square pictures, with an ideal dimension of 1080 X 1080 for shared photos. Meanwhile, on Facebook, the ideal shared post image is 1200 X 630.

For more information, check out HubSpot’s Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Dimensions.

Trend Number Three: Make Your Infographics Accessible

In the last couple of years, companies have been sued over websites that are not accessible to people with disabilities. If your infographic is for a consumer audience and will be posted on your website, making your content as accessible as possible is a good idea.

Infographics are tricky because they are visual, and this means that people who rely on screen readers will have trouble with them. However, there are a few things you can do to increase the accessibility of your infographics:

  • As with all images, provide an alt tag that describes the infographic.
  • Consider providing the same information in an alternative way that is more accessible to screen readers.
  • When selecting color combinations, consider how the infographic will appear to people who are colorblind or have other vision problems. Use strong color contrast.

Infographics are here to stay. Like social posts, they convey information quickly and efficiently. In the insurance industry, infographics are particularly effective for communication loss prevention tips.

Learn more about infographic development.