Insurance Design: What Impression Are You Making?

11 February, 2013

You’ve probably heard the sayings, “appearance is everything” and “first impressions last.” While appearance certainly isn’t everything you need to run a successful business, the way you visually portray your company is of utmost importance.

For example, when business buyers seek innovative, industry-leading insurance partners,  it’s highly unlikely that they will choose companies with outdated websites. With a 10-year-old website, a company tells the world it is NOT innovative or industry-leading. The same negative effect occurs when insurance agencies use poorly-designed brochures and dated logos. If a company hasn’t  updated its insurance marketing materials, buyers assume it hasn’t updated other areas of the company either. 

Visual elements instantly communicate to insurance prospects and customers, who form immediate judgments. Therefore, it’s important that your insurance design and insurance marketing materials make positive impressions that are in sync with your brand.

How do you want clients to feel about your company?

What feelings do your insurance design colors evoke? 

  • Red – Color the eye notices first. Energy, danger, power.
  • Blue – Trust, reliability.
  • Yellow – Warm and stimulating like the sun, happiness.
  • Orange – Hot, playful shade (without traces of aggression found with red), attracts impulsive consumers.
  • Green – Fresh, connected with nature, growth, hope.
  • Purple – Religion, spirituality, dignity.
  • Pink – Gentle, generous, security, a symbol of love.
  • (White) – Purity, connected with nature and light.
  • Black – Sophistication, elegance, mystery.
  • Gold – Royal color, precious.
  • Silver – Prestigious color, also can be associated with scientific themes.


In addition to color usage, many other elements influence buyer perceptions, including photography selection and style, layout treatments, font styles and the use of shapes and lines.

Savvy graphic designers know how to combine all of these elements into successful visuals to create and reinforce your brand. They create presentations that spark interest and clearly communicate your messages. Smart insurance design can organize complex information, engage potential clients, evoke emotion, build trust and inspire action. When done properly, insurance design is a distinct competitive advantage.

Need insurance design expertise? Inbound Insurance Marketing offers top-quality, yet affordable design solutions. Count on us for assistance with logos, business cards, stationery, brochures, sales sheets and more. And, if you need a fresh, forward-thinking way to explain a complex idea, consider an insurance infographic.
