The ONE THING your insurance marketing can’t live without

8 April, 2013

It’s the very lifeblood of what you do as an insurance professional. Without it, prospects won’t call, relationships won’t develop, customers won’t stick around or send referrals your way, and you’ll have a hard time growing your agency in this tough market. And if you’re shooting for any kind of sustainable competitive advantage, you’ll need plenty of it.

What is it?


Everyone wants to do business with companies they trust, and that trust is especially crucial for insurance companies. And customers today are demanding greater transparency and more responsive customer service from the companies they do business with. They’re no longer thinking in terms of transactions – they’re thinking in terms of relationships.

Your insurance marketing communications are the catalyst for those relationships. They play a vital role in conveying, building, and maintaining trust among your prospects and customers.

How do you convey trust in your insurance marketing communications?

Follow these eight tips to show your audience you’re worthy of their trust – and their business. 

  1. Craft your message carefully. Use the right tone for your target audience, laser focus on their wants and needs, and beware of credibility killers like grammar and spelling errors.
  2. Keep it simple. Simplicity breeds trust, so use simple, clear language. Nobody trusts gobbledygook and jargon.
  3. Be interested. Nobody will trust you if your message is all about you. Show your reader that you’re genuinely interested in their life, their business, and their bottom line.
  4. Be confident. Demonstrate your knowledge of your products and services, the industry, and your audience’s needs. Show them you’re a trusted advisor that can help them make smart financial decisions.
  5. Be personable. Your marketing communications need to convey a friendly, personable style to foster real relationships with your audience.
  6. Be transparent. Be clear and upfront about your business and make sure details like full contact information are readily accessible. Your audience will be less likely to harbor suspicions about your integrity.
  7. Use testimonials. Customers have more confidence in what satisfied customers say about you than what you say about you.
  8. Use “we” instead of “I”. Use this simple pronoun substitution to demonstrate your vested interest in your customer. For example, “Let’s see if we can find a better coverage solution.”

Your insurance marketing communications need to make it clear that you’re worthy of your prospects’ and customers’ confidence. Earn their trust and they’ll reward you with their loyalty.

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