Streamlined Insurance Sales: How I Conquered the Sales Process

3 September, 2013

A little over a year ago I began my career as an insurance agent.

When I first decided to pursue insurance sales, I’ll admit, I was a little intimidated. After all, how well would I do when I had no prior sales experience or insurance knowledge?

Thanks to the amazing people I work with along with a fantastic group of insurance carriers, I have created a solid foundation for myself and have drastically increased my insurance sales.

There are a certain set of guidelines that have enabled my success. Five small habits have allowed me to conquer the sales process and they can help you too.

# 1 – Set Weekly Insurance Marketing Goals

In order to keep myself motivated I begin my week with goals. I shoot for a certain amount of premium sold each month and divide it among the weeks.

Having specific, concrete goals has kept me on track and motivated me to push forward even on those slow weeks.

# 2 – Listen to the Client

I want my clients to know that I genuinely care about their needs. I never try to push any type of products on them. I simply listen to their problems and offer them solutions.

By doing this I have created trust. My clients don’t have to worry that I am going to sell them useless products to satisfy my own agenda.

# 3 – Clearly Explain the Product

One thing that still amazes me is how little people understand their insurance policies. When I sit down with a customer I go over all the details and explain their coverage in an easy to understand matter.

I want my clients to feel comfortable asking me questions, no matter how basic they are. Most people highly value this relationship. In return I get more of their business and referrals to their family and friends.

# 4 – Get Involved in the Community

I have taken a cue from by boss who is on the committee of several charitable organizations and started donating my time.

While my main goal is to please existing customers, I also network within the community to find new clients. Volunteering my time does double duty. First of all I get to help a good cause and second of all I am putting my name out there in a good way.

# 5 – Keep Pushing Forward

Face it – there are times when every insurance agent is going to have slow weeks. It’s part of the business.

I don’t let these slow weeks dampen my motivation. Instead I brush up on the latest insurance and marketing news. A career as an insurance agent requires constant learning and these slow weeks allow me the time to do just that.

In the past year I have dramatically increased my sales skills and continue to learn and grow on a daily basis. I genuinely feel that anyone can succeed as an insurance agent if they’re willing to go the extra mile.

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