Six Reasons to Partner With a Blog Writing Service

5 April, 2021

Your company needs a blog. More than that, your company needs a GOOD blog. A great blog with excellent search engine optimization and distribution would be even better. Blog writing services can help you produce and maintain this blog without devoting all the resources that would be needed to do it in-house.  

1. Blogs Make Your Company Visible Online

When you need information, you whip out your phone and search for it online. So do your customers, and so do the people you want to become your customers.

Pew Research Center says that 81% of U.S. adults go online at least once a day, and many go online more often than that – 28% are online almost constantly. Research from Salesforce found that 87% of shoppers do online product searches before making a purchase.

The trend isn’t limited to retail shopping, either. More people are researching and even buying insurance products online. According to LIMRA, 29% of Americans said they preferred to buy life insurance online in 2020, a major increase from 2011, when only 17% of people preferred to buy life insurance online.

Your customers are online, so you need to be online, too. Unfortunately, having a static website might not be enough. You need a site that ranks on search engines and gives customers a reason to come back. Blogs can do that.

2. Blogs Provide the Information Consumers Want

People love going online – but they hate being bombarded with ads.

Statista shows that the percentage of people in the U.S. using ad blocking technology is on the rise. In 2014, 15.7% of people used ad blocking. In 2021, that figure has increased to 27%.

Many people who don’t go so far as to install ad blocking programs will still avoid or ignore ads. People get enough ads every day – they’re certainly not going to seek more out.

This can be a problem for companies that treat every page of their website as an ad. Yes, you want to promote your business, but you also want to give consumers a reason to seek you out. This means providing blog content they want, and that’s not more ads. It’s valuable information.

3. Blogs Can Build Trust

If consumers don’t trust you, they might not buy from you.

The Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report found that 70% of consumers say trusting a brand is more important today than in the past. Only price is ranked as more important when deciding whether or not to purchase from a new brand.

So how do you build trust? Providing a reliable product and excellent customer service is one way. But before you can even do that, you need to convince a consumer to buy your products or services. A blog can help your do this. By blogging about reliable information that helps the consumer, you’re showing that you’re reliable and helpful.

4. Blog Writing Services Can Help Your Blog Posts Stand Out

It’s estimated that there are about two billion websites. That’s a lot of competition for your blog.

To stand out, your blog can’t just be good. It has to be great. This means it needs to have useful information, and it needs to be both easy and enjoyable to read.

You also need to think about search engine optimization, or SEO. As the internet gets more crowded, ranking on Google is getting more difficult. To stand out, you need to use effective strategies, like content clusters.

Length also matters. According to HubSpot, the ideal length for SEO purposes is around 2,100 to 2,400 words for a blog post. Not all of your blog articles need to be that long, but if one of your goals is SEO, you should aim for at least 1,000 words.

It takes a skilled blog writer to do all this. Blog writing services can help your company build a custom blog that gets results – without shooting yourself in the foot …

5. New or Inexperienced Bloggers Tend to Sabotage Their Sites

New blog writers tend to make mistakes that sabotage their websites. Blog writing services can help you avoid these mistakes – mistakes like:

  • Being overly promotional. We’ve already discussed how people tend to avoid ads. Nevertheless, many business owners make their blogs sound like one big commercial. Skilled blog writers know how to use calls to action to promote the sales cycle without being overly pushy.
  • Including too much jargon. Maybe you’re trying to sound smart. Maybe you’re just using the technical terms you’re used to using every day. Regardless, if you stuff your blog content with jargon, you’re going to turn people off. Skilled blog writers know how to make content easy to read.
  • Not using scannable formatting. After you’ve spent hours on a blog, you probably want people to read it. They won’t. They’ll skim it instead. People are busy, and although they want in-depth information, they don’t want to waste time on anything that isn’t actually what they need. Skilled blog writers know how to use headings, subheadings, lists and other strategies to make content easy to scan.
  • Making grammar and spelling mistakes. You’ve probably noticed spelling and grammar mistakes online, but that doesn’t make these mistakes acceptable. The occasional typo will probably be forgiven, but if your blog has too many mistakes, it will look unprofessional. Skilled blog writers have the grammar and spelling expertise needed.
  • Violating copyright laws. Some people seem to think that anything posted online is fair game. The law states otherwise. If you include an image or text you don’t have the rights to, you could get hit with a copyright violation. Professional blog writers know what’s allowed and what isn’t.
6. A Blog Writing Service Can Support Your Marketing Team

Blogging is a strategy that can be used by businesses of all sizes, from sole proprietorships to multinational corporations. But creating a blogging team in-house requires substantial resources and commitment on your part. This makes enlisting blog writing services an attractive alternative.

If you have your own marketing team, a blog writing provider can work with your team to create a strategy that aligns with your other marketing plans, as well as your company’s sales strategy and overall vision. Your blog writing services provider can also help with other content writing services, such as email marketing, social media marketing and white paper creation to create a winning strategy.

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