Insurance Marketing: Four Things to Think About in 2020

8 January, 2020

As we enter 2020, it’s time to make sure your insurance marketing strategies are ready for a brave new decade. Here are four new content strategies to embrace.

1. Personalize Your Content

Personalized content isn’t new, but thanks to new strategies and better data, it’s getting better.

Personalization can be achieved in different ways, from personalized email campaigns to websites that are personalized based on the user. In B2B, we achieve some personalization be writing and designing content to appeal to specific buyer personas.

Account based marketing campaigns are great example of personalized B2B marketing in action.

Personalization works, and it’s becoming expected. According to Retail Customer Experience, a RedPoint Global survey found that 63 percent of consumers expect personalization.

2. Avoid (Data) Breaches of Trust

Although data can be used to improve products, services and marketing, consumers have become understandably wary of all the data companies have on them. CNET’s 2019 Data Breach Hall of Shame includes Facebook, Instagram, Capital One, MoviePass and many other companies that failed to keep their customers’ data safe.

States have responded to the increase in data breaches by passing laws that regulate how companies must handle user data and data breaches. The most notable of these laws is the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), which is effective as of January 1, 2020.

Under the CCPA, consumers have the right to have their data deleted and to opt out of having their data sold or shared. The CCPA applies to all companies that do business in California, even if they aren’t based in California. The law applies to for-profit companies that have a revenue of at least $25 million; that receive, share or sell data on at least 50,000 consumers; or that earn at least half of their revenue by selling personal data.

According to HubSpot, to comply with the CCPA, marketers will have to disclose what data they collect and how they use it. They will also have to give consumers the option of viewing their data and opting out.

Marketers who collect personal information should pay attention to the CCPA and other data privacy and breach notification laws. If you maintain email lists or conduct surveys, for example, you could be impacted.

3. Sharpen Your Edge

The internet has grown since the early 1990s. According to TechJury, more than 4.4 million blog posts were published every day as of March 2019. People are also inundated with daily emails and social media content.

Obviously, no one can read even all of the content available, or even a tiny fraction of it. You need to make sure your content stands out. This means producing quality, well-written content that gives people the information the want.

It also means making sure people can find your content. Strategies like content clustering can improve your search performance, while social media is absolutely essential for increasing your reach.

4. Own Your Strategy

Wondering what the ideal post length is? Want to know exactly how often you should post new content? Over the years, there have been plenty of different studies that have tried to answer these questions. The problems is that they give different answers. Why? Because there’s no single right way to cut through the clutter.

The ideal posting schedule will depend on your strategy and your customer’s expectations. The ideal word count will depend on complexity of the topic. There’s no point in adding tons of fluff to a simple post just hit some arbitrary length.

This doesn’t mean marketers shouldn’t care about things like post length or publishing frequency. A good content strategy should absolutely include these factors. But the goals should be based on what you know works best for your campaigns, based on experience, analytics and A/B testing.

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